Sean Miller
As the eldest of triplets, my parents often treated us as a pack. A desire to differentiate myself has driven me to forge my path in life. That path has led me to Graphic Design. My interest in design started at an early age. We had a Vietnamese nanny who was the oldest of seven. She included my siblings and I into her brood and I felt as if her brothers were my own. Beginning at around the age of four, my friends exposed me to Yugioh cards. I loved the cards so much, I collected hundreds of them. The characters stood out to me and the descriptions too fitting text in such a small workspace is a graphical accomplishment. The cards are both font and art-based. In addition, the cover of the cards communicated messages across all language barriers. They were both aesthetically pleasing and gave me a sense of the character’s capabilities without using words. That is what graphic design is all about, uncluttered visual communication of ideas and thoughts. From the golden arches to the Nike swoosh, Graphic Design is everywhere. With the mix of cultures in the United States, it becomes more and more important to communicate across language and cultural barriers. A picture truly is worth 1000 words but the design should convey what it wants to convey to be a message for everyone! and I love that I get the chance to communicate using design.
At the end of the day, I want to make a difference and make a living doing something I love.  Graphic Design will offer me the opportunity to enhance communication and make the world a more beautiful place. I am committed to this program and want to see it through. Design has become my joy in life. What a privilege to be able to express our creativity concretely, help our clients to communicate with their audiences, and close cross-cultural communication gaps through design. I feel extraordinarily fortunate to have the opportunity to work in this field and intend to make the most of it.
At this time, we are all struggling to survive. I am a dedicated student and belong to a family that has been experiencing significant financial hardships.  With two of the three children in the family in college, a tuition waiver would help me to focus on school rather than worrying about our financial concerns.
I feel my greatest strengths in the graphic design field are my ability to take a concept from idea to execution while showing versatility and a breadth and depth of design capabilities using styles focused on the user’s needs and mindsets.  I am comfortable meeting deadlines and can come up with a creative idea, prototype it, obtain feedback and develop a finished product promptly. Many artists struggle with creativity on a deadline. The training I received both here and at Francis Tuttle has allowed me to do both. I have displayed leadership skills as a support system for my fellow students and have gained real-world design experience through my mother’s company.  I will be able to operate very effectively in the “real world” outside of the University and plan to be a credit to my Alma Mater wherever I go.